“Is it hard? Not if you have the right attitudes. Its having the right attitudes thats hard.”
Robert M. Pirsig Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values
The problem with SaaS
Software as a Service (SaaS) is the
development paradigm of the cloud computing. Research shows that working with
traditional application program interfaces (APIs) cause a great deal of
problems for software developers (Robillard, 2009). APIs can be hard to learn,
have incomplete documentation, and use different development paradigms. SaaS
can have predefined limits, network latency issues, and represent a different programming
paradigm (Microsoft Exchange Online, 2012; Salesforce, 2012).
Software development teams are
finding that working with SaaS can be difficult. Project managers need to know
the contractual obligations of the SaaS provider, plan for upgrades of the
providers system, and deal with the additional risk of an changing unknown
factor to their project(Karakostas, 2009). Software developers face the
challanges of learning new sets of APIs, dealing with limitations, and working
with different language and software development paradigms (Lawton, 2008;
Salesforce, 2012). Software testers learn to deal with systems that can be in
consistent such as some cloud based systems eventually concurrent data model.
Archetecting SaaS
Design Qualities
Ability to efficiently maintain
Reusable code reduces waste and
promotes faster development times.
Runtime Quality
How responsive the application is
to changes.
The amount of resources a system
The ability of a system to add
handle large amounts of requests.
Quality |
Ease of use and learnability
How secure the system is.
Cost Effectiveness
The monetary return on the cost of
the system.
The ability of the system to
interact with other systems within the organization.
Architecting software solutions let
developers achieve some measure of quality. There are different schools of
thought on software architecture. Microsoft in their Architecture Guidelines
primarily recommend 3-tier/n-tier architecture for most applications and
client/server architecture for systems that have high performance needs such as
websites or applications that deal with large amounts of data. Using design patterns
is another school of thought. The concept of design patterns is that design
patters (which are conceptual programming abstractions) allow programmers to
rise above the details of implementation and discuss applications in broader
forms. Another school of thought with architecting is using different
programming languages to achieve efficiently. A software developer might use a
functional language such as F# with scientific applications, an object
orientated programming language such as C# for business applications, and a set
based language such as SQL to handle data sets. Also there is service
orientated architecture (SOA) and web services, which are web based and
platform agnostic.
Architecture choices are generally
based on perceived quality. One organization who values interoperability of
their systems may choose SOA while another that favors high performing websites
may choose client/server architecture. An organization that values
extensibility and security may favor n-tier architecture. Software developers
that want an easily testable application may choose a simple 3-tier application
over a design pattern application.
Architecture may also be part of an
overall business or IT strategy. Companies that wish to collaborate with other
companies may choose to use a web service architecture. Companies wishing to
build in their systems the ability to reuse systems in other systems may choose
Cloud providers also have needs that
can address by architecture. The first is to follow a familiar SOA type of
system. SOA systems generally do not deal with bulk data well. They are can be
slow over an intranet over the internet they perform even worse. Second a cloud
provider may need to account for a very large amount of traffic. They may
choose a distributed database systems that may not be always concurrent across
all servers. Finally, a service provider may need to protect itself from over
use by customers.
Some providers
such as Salesforce (2012) allow users of their APIs a choice of using their
traditional API which supports one by one transactions and a bulk API that
supports bulk transactions. Traditional APIs allow developers to easily develop
software with such architecture as design patterns, n-tier, and object
orientated programming. Bulk APIs are better suited for architecture where data
is already represented in sets such as programming and client/server
For the cloud provider the choice on
what type of API to provide may be a function of the business needs. They may
need all of these systems to be concurrent before allowing another transaction.
A bulk API would allow clients to send data over and wait till it has been
fully processed before allowing them to proceeded.
When working with SaaS, it helps to
know the architecture of the provider. Does it have performance governors?
Performance governors can be set by the cloud provider or just a byproduct of
using the internet. Does the architecture of the cloud provider play well with
the architecture of the current systems in place? A company that is using a
work flow system is using a procedural programming architecture. This type of
system is good for individual transactions but not bulk transactions. In the
end the right architecture is one that works will with the needs of the company
and the SaaS API.
Karakostas. B. (2009). Restructuring
the IS curriculum around the theme of service orientation. IT Professional
Magazine, 11, 59-63. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global database.
Microsoft Exchange Online. (2012)
Retrieved May 11, 2012 from
Robillard, M. P. (2009). What makes
APIs hard to learn? Answers from developers. IEEE Software, 26(6), 27.
Retrieved from ProQuest/UMI Database.
Salesforce.com (Feburary, 2012)
Salesforce limits quick reference guide. Retrieved from https://login.salesf
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